
2024-3-25 publications

“Round Table Discussion: Current Status and Issues in the Fisheries Industry – Technology Development and the Future of Intellectual Property Protection and Utilization,” joined by Wataru Sueyoshi (Law & Technology No.103)

2023-6-26 publications

 “A Memorable Note on L&T with a Special Emphasis on Nos. 13 to 70.” by Wataru Sueyoshi (Law and Technology No.100)

2023-5-25 publications

“Important Issues of Trade Secret: Management of Secrecy and Use of Trade Secret,” by Wataru Sueyoshi (Jurist No.1585)

2023-4-7 publications

Book review of Prof. Nobuhiro Nakayama’s new book “ある知財法学者の軌跡-知的財産法学にいざなわれて” by Wataru Sueyoshi (Jurist No.1582)

2023-2-9 publications

“Legal Practice of Trademarks: Analysis of Essential Cases & Promotion of Brand Strategy,” by Wataru Sueyoshi co-edited and co-authored

2022-11-21 publications

“A recent copyright infringement decision by the Tokyo District Court holding that uploading a newspaper article onto intranet has infringed a copyright of a newspaper publishing company” by Yasuhiro Sato (NBL No.1230)

2022-10-26 publications

“【Prefatory Note】 About the Special Feature ‘Intersection of Trademarks and Designs’” by Wataru Sueyoshi (Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan Vol.19 No.1)

2022-9-2 publications

“Revisit provisions for damages concerning trade secret” by Wataru Sueyoshi (Jurist No. 1575)

2022-4-21 publications

“‘Malice’ or ‘gross negligence’ in the context of acquisition of trade secret” by Yasuhiro Sato (TRADE SECRET PUBLIC-PRIVATE FORUM NEWSLETTER No. 66)

2021-8-5 publications

“Intellectual Property in the Corporate Governance Code” by Yasuhiro Sato (NBL No.1199)